Thursday, April 15, 2010

Work-in-progress 1 - acheived

First and foremost, a very warm and deep-from-the-heart "Thank you", to my highschool friend, who had literally "pushed" me, to initiate this 1st step - I will never forget you 8-) . You are and will be my inspiration to continue with this project.

Also to my friends who had taken their precious time, and being very patient in helping me through this work-in-progress stage, I owe you all one.

It may seem simple to many people to do up a blog. For me, this excercise is indeed, quite a big leap. Nevertheless - rewarding.

At last, I get to change my blog-template to the one I like - yeay!!. ( I think I would try out some more this week-end).

With a little written coach and with the help of You Tube on - "How to change your blog template" - wallah!! success!!

Work in progress 2 will commence tomorrow.

Hence, love of my life, its gonna be a take-away nite. Mummy's twigging her project........

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