Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Jamu-Ma'jun Incident - O.. Grandma

During my early years, I always look forward to my grandma's visits especially during long school holidays.

She travels by train, all the way from one end of this country to the other. I adored her and she dotted on me.
Thus we share a couple of "awesome" / "unbelievable" incidents which I treasure till now.

I had written one before this post and I am about to write the other one, now.

In the olden days there were no collagen or facial spas of the sort. Many people fall back to traditional medicinal treatment. And I must say that a few of these treatment, remedies, just cannot compete with our modern-age techno. We still seek/long for those traditional treatment somehow. Massages especially.

Anyhow, back to my story. My grandmother had always emphasised on keeping good health. Cannot blame her, as in those good old days, people really use their energy and work laboriously.

She takes this traditional medicinal concoction (we call it health supplement now) called Jamu / Ma'jun, everyday. 

I, on the other hand would simply call it Traditional Vitamins..

In those days Ma'jun was sold in two forms - liquid and paste rolled up into a ball. 

I love the liquid one, as it is sweet, as sweet as honey and yummy. I take 1 teaspoon every other day, since I was 3 , spoon fed by my grandma.  

I don't like the type which is  paste-like and rolled up into small ball. Apart from they look like bullets, (see photo on the right) the taste is too strong and spicy. 

One fine morning, I was walking along the corridors of our house and found a handful of small blackish, brownish rounded small balls on the cement.

Hey... I said to myself, these looks familiar.. so I went nearer to get a closer look.

I squat down, took one into my hands and looked up, there's a window above me. (exactly like the ones in the above photo but without the flowers underneath)

My, my, I said, Grandma must have accidentally thrown these out or.... may be these fell off the bottle, from the window.  Chk chk chk.. How careless of I shook my head. Just like how she shook hers when I was naughty..  ;-)

So I went back into the house, took the bottle of Ma'jun and went back to the spot. I carefully took the ones on the cement and put them back into the bottle. Grandma's gonna be proud of me. And I ran into the house to put the bottle back on her bedside table.

Somehow, something distracted me and I forgot to inform my grandma about this.

That night just before I dozed off.. I heard a commotion in the visitor hall.. My dad was furious. He called me, very loud, right from where he was and he has never done that before. Terrified, I walked towards him with sleepy eyes..

He asked me, whether I played with Grandma's bottle of vitamins. And I told him in not so many words, of that morning's deed. 

As I was only 3+ years old, I couldn't construct full sentence. So in frustration and in tears, I took my dad's hand and led him to the spot where I found the small brown balls.

At first my Dad refused to barge. But I pulled him with all my might, sobbing and tugging and pulling.  

When we reached the spot, I pointed at the brown balls which were still there on the cement and uttered the word "UBAT",  which means medicine.

Well, guess what happened next......?? 

In the tensed critical moment, I was waiting for a whiplash or mom's soprano voice of endless lecture


I heard a roar of laughter instead.  

Laughter from my dad, grandma, mom and our maid.

Those brown balls which I put back into my grandma's Ma'jun bottle were actually GOAT'S POOP.. (photo above)

O...My.. Goodness.. what have I done...

my 1st good intention gone horribly wrong.

My grandma reminded me of this incident when I was about 5 yrs old. That she almost swallowed those balls if it was not for the stench.. and we both had a good laugh.

And I told her my side of the story and that I was really really really sorry that I did so. That my intentions were nothing other than noble.

I think I got an ice-cream the next day and a treat watching Wayang Kulit ( local shadow puppeteer show, equivalent to open air cinema in those days) sitting on my dad's shoulder, in the early night, on a nearby football field.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Grandma's Beautiful Magic Wooden Spoon - Mr. Stanley

Let me start my 1st story.

It is about my 1st encounter with this little creature, which later on, I'd always refer to as Mr. Stanley.

One fine evening, I took out my new set of toys, a present from my dad. And went out onto the lawn to play.

It was my 1st golf set, pink in colour and made of plastic. It intrigued me to watch the ball go where I aimed it to go and it amazes me to watch the ball fly up into the air and land on the ground, as I varied the strength of my swing. Used to chuckle everytime the ball flew up in the air. The higher it went, the louder the chuckle.  

Then one of my strokes led the ball into a row of tall grass, bordering a marsh, bordering a river. Naturally I went to retrieve the ball.

There...... I could see the ball but then I would have to crawl. On my knees, I parted the tall grass and guess what else I saw??

This beautiful wooden spoon!!
Glittering under the evening sun, brownish, silverish and yellowish in colour. It just stood upright on the ground... about maybe 3 ft away?

I said to myself, what is Grandma's spoon doing here? It must have ran away. I must take it back to Grandma or she will miss her spoon. This one is very pretty.

So I quickly grabbed the white ball and just as I was about to reach out to the spoon, it moved!! 

Wow...MAGIC SPOON!!!    I say. 

Now where is the Fairy? A beautiful spoon like this must have fairies guarding it??
Are there more??

All of a sudden I heard my Grandma's piercing scream from our house, startling my thoughts. I saw people running towards me in a haste, ashen face. 

I was bewildered with all these commotions. The next thing I remembered was being grabbed roughly, by a boy, and taken straight back to my Grandma. But in the midst of this chaotic moment I managed to wave gingerly at the wooden spoon as I vividly remember, it was swaying from side to side, as if it was waving at me. Good-Bye wooden spoon, I said to quietly.

I was 3 then and only years later I came to realise that the magic beautiful wooden spoon was actually a COBRA. 

O my. My 1st brush with death.  Yaaaiiks!!! 

Don't know since when, but as I grew older, I developed extreme fear of this creature. There could have been an incident which had occurred, and I had blocked myself from remembering. Anyhow since its very difficult for me to even utter the word without having hair stand at the end, I prefer to call this creature as Mr. Stanley. a.k.a. Stanley the Snake.

It rhymes.


My next story will be on "MA'JUN" or  Traditional Medicinal Vitamin. An incident, again, between my beloved Grandma and I

or /and

My 1st kite flying experience, which seriously, I will never forget. This one is between my Dad and I.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Work-in-progress 1 - acheived

First and foremost, a very warm and deep-from-the-heart "Thank you", to my highschool friend, who had literally "pushed" me, to initiate this 1st step - I will never forget you 8-) . You are and will be my inspiration to continue with this project.

Also to my friends who had taken their precious time, and being very patient in helping me through this work-in-progress stage, I owe you all one.

It may seem simple to many people to do up a blog. For me, this excercise is indeed, quite a big leap. Nevertheless - rewarding.

At last, I get to change my blog-template to the one I like - yeay!!. ( I think I would try out some more this week-end).

With a little written coach and with the help of You Tube on - "How to change your blog template" - wallah!! success!!

Work in progress 2 will commence tomorrow.

Hence, love of my life, its gonna be a take-away nite. Mummy's twigging her project........